Mother / Father / Custodial Party Details Page

This page collects information about the Father, Mother, or Custodial Party of the child(ren) you have requested services for from Child Support Enforcement. This page only appears for those children who are under the age of 18 and whom you have entered as a child(ren) not currently living in the home.


The Mother / Father / Custodial Party Details page looks different depending on your role:


Each page is customized based on who the child’s custodial party is.


Some items have an asterisk (*) next to them, indicating they are mandatory. You must fill in these items before you can continue to the next page.


Street Address should only contain letters, numbers and ‘-‘, ‘#’, and ‘/’. City should only contain letters.


Zip Code should contain only numbers.


If this person is a Custodial Party for other children in the household as well, indicate which children they are a custodial party for in the Custodial Party for Your Other Child(ren) living outside the household section of the page.


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