Employment Details

This page is displayed because you indicated someone in the household has a job, will begin a new job, or just ended a job. This page will repeat for each member who was indicated to have a job. If this was indicated by mistake, remove the record once you reach the Job Income Summary page at the completion of this section of the application.


If the individual indicated at the top of the page does not have a job, click the Previous button to navigate back to the Job Income Survey page to adjust the information entered.

Some items have an asterisk (*) next to them, indicating they are mandatory. You must fill in these items before you can continue to the next page.




Address Line 1 and Address Line 2 fields should only contain letters, numbers and ‘-‘, ‘#’, and ‘/’. City should only contain letters. Zip Code should contain only numbers.


Job End


When entering Gross amount of last paycheck, only enter two decimal places. Special characters such as commas :(,) are not allowed (e.g., $1250.00).


Payment Information


When entering Total Gross Amount and Hourly rate of pay, only enter two decimal places. Special characters such as commas :(,) are not allowed.

When entering hours worked, enter how many hours are worked per week, or try to estimate how many hours per week are worked.


Add Another?


If there is more job information that you need to add, select Yes to the question(s) in this section.


Click the Print button to print this page for your reference.


If you are applying for SNAP, FITAP, and or KCSP you may click the Complete button to navigate to the end of the application where you can review the rights and responsibilities, sign, and submit the application. Please note that if you are applying for Child Support Enforcement services all required fields must be completed before you can submit your application.


Click the Next button to save and continue with the online application.


Click the Save & Exit button to exit the online application and save your progress on your application. The application is saved as Incomplete.