Registration Information

This page collects personal information about you including name, address and contact information. Some items have an asterisk (*) next to them, indicating they are mandatory. You must fill in these items before you can continue to the next page.


Voter Registration


If you are not currently registered to vote in your parish and would like to register, select Yes. Click the Click here to go to the Secretary of State’s website link to proceed to the Louisiana Secretary of State website where you can fill out an Online Voter Registration form. Homeless


If you are currently homeless, select the checkbox to indicate that you are not going to be providing an address in the Where You Live section. You can enter a mailing address where you would like to receive your mail. If you are applying for SNAP, FITAP, or KCSP, you will need to select a Parish in the Where You Live section. If you cannot provide a valid mailing address, the next page will provide the address of the nearest DCFS office or post office where you can pick up your mail.  If you are applying for Child Support Enforcement services, you will have to enter a residential address in the Where You Live section.  


Where You Live


Address Line 1 and Address Line 2 fields should only contain letters, numbers and ‘-‘, ‘#’, and ‘/’. City should only contain letters. Zip Code should contain only numbers.


Mailing Address


Address Line 1 and Address Line 2 fields should only contain letters, numbers and ‘-‘, ‘#’, and ‘/’. City should only contain letters. Zip Code should contain only numbers. If you do not normally live at the mailing address, you may enter your name or the name of someone responsible for your mail in the care of field.


Contact Information


Providing a phone number is important to help us to contact you with any questions, information about your benefits or services, and, in some cases, to conduct an interview. If you do not enter a phone number you will receive a warning message prompting you to do so. However, a phone number is not mandatory and an application can be submitted without one.


Click the Print button to print this page for your reference.


If you are applying for SNAP, FITAP, and or KCSP you may click the Complete button to navigate to the end of the application where you can review the rights and responsibilities, sign, and submit the application. Please note that if you are applying for Child Support Enforcement services all required fields must be completed before you can submit your application. Click the Next button to save and continue with the online application/LaCAP Enrollment.


Click the Previous button to view the previous page.


Click the Save & Exit button to exit the online application/LaCAP Enrollment and save your progress on your application/LaCAP Enrollment. The application/LaCAP Enrollment is saved as Incomplete.


For Apply for Benefits


Information About You


Note: Text that refers to "you" is referring to the person applying for benefits or services. If you are helping someone complete an application, fill out this page with information provided by the applicant.


Type your first name and last name in the text boxes. Be sure to use your full, legal name. Do not use nicknames on this application. The First Name text box allows a maximum of 12 characters, and the Last Name text box allows a maximum of 19 characters. If your name does not fit in the boxes, type as much as you can.


If you are not currently registered to vote in your parish and would like to register, select Yes. Click the link provided to take you to the Louisiana Secretary of State website where you can fill out an Online Voter Registration form.


If you need assistance with registering to vote, choose Yes for the question “Do you need help from DCFS with applying for voter registration?” This notifies a DCFS employee to provide voter registration assistance when conducting your interview.


If you need a new Louisiana Purchase Card, choose Yes for the question “Do you need a new Louisiana Purchase (EBT) Card?” Louisiana Purchase Cards resemble credit or debit cards with a magnetic strip and can be used to purchase food at grocery stores. DCFS loads SNAP benefits or services to the card each month for those approved for assistance and it allows the user access to monies from the FITAP and KCSP programs (if awarded).


Migrant or Seasonal Farm Worker


A migrant or seasonal farm worker is a worker that moves from one region of the country to another to find employment. These types of workers perform crop harvesting, mandating that they follow the harvest seasons. If anyone in your household fits this description, choose Yes from the dropdown and answer the remaining question(s).


For LaCAP Enrollment


Your Name


Enter your first, middle and last name.