School Enrollment Details

This page is displayed because you indicated someone in the household between the ages of 16 and 49 is a student or attending job training. This page will be displayed for each member who was indicated to be a student or enrolled in a job training program.


A student is defined as an individual who is enrolled at least half time in an institution of higher education.


If the individual indicated at the top of the page is not a student, click the Previous button to navigate back to the Household Survey page to adjust the information entered.

Some items have an asterisk (*) next to them, indicating that they are mandatory. You must fill in these items before you can continue to the next page.


School/Job Training Enrollment Details


Type the number of hours per week the household member attends school/job training. The number of hours cannot exceed 168.


School Information


Enter the enrollment status of the individual who is attending school. If the individual is currently not enrolled in a school but intends to return, enter the expected date of their return.


Enter the name of the school or educational institution that the individual attends.


Enter the program of study that the individual is pursuing.


Additional Details


Check the boxes beside all of the scenarios that apply to the household member. You can check multiple boxes, or if none of the scenarios apply, check None of the Above. You cannot check None of the Above in addition to another option.


Click the Print button to print this page for your reference.


If you are applying for SNAP, FITAP, and or KCSP you may click the Complete button to navigate to the end of the application where you can review the rights and responsibilities, sign, and submit the application. Please note that if you are applying for Child Support Enforcement services all required fields must be completed before you can submit your application.


Click the Next button to save and continue with the online application.


Click the Save & Exit button to exit the online application and save your progress on your application. The application is saved as Incomplete.