Account Creation


This page is used to collect information to create your online account in CAFÉ. If you already have an online account in CAFÉ, click the click here to login link to access the login page.


If you do not want to create an online account in CAFÉ, click “click here” to apply for benefits or services without creating an account.


If you want to review information about online accounts in CAFÉ, click the Previous button to return to the previous page.


Step 1: Your Personal Information


Enter your first name, middle initial, last name and an email address, if applicable. It is strongly recommended that you provide a valid email address in the event you forget or lose your User ID. A valid email address enables you to recover a lost or forgotten User ID from the system.

To automatically receive your CAFÉ Notifications, select either the Email or Text Message option. Select None, if you do not want to receive Email or Text messages.


Step 2: User ID, Password, and PIN


An online account in CAFÉ requires the creation of a unique user ID, password and Personal Identification Number (PIN) which are used to log in to your online account. For each of these, choose something that is easy for you to remember, but hard for other people to guess.

A valid user ID must be between 8 and 64 characters in length. The characters for a user ID can include letters, numbers, and the special characters such as _, @, -, and “.” but two special characters cannot be side by side in the user ID. A valid user ID must include at least one letter, but a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters is not required.  If the user ID you select already exists, you will receive an error when trying to move to the next page and asked to select a new, unique user ID.

A valid password must be between 8 and 64 characters in length, and must include at least one number and at least one uppercase letter. For example, “mycafe1000” is an invalid password because it does not include an uppercase letter. However, “MyCafe1000” is a valid password.

Retype your selected password to ensure proper entry. Copy and Paste cannot be used to reenter your password from the first text box to the second text box to retype your password.

A valid personal identification number (PIN) must contain 6 numbers. The PIN is required in order to electronically sign your completed application, so use a combination of numbers that are easy for you to remember.

It is highly suggested to write down your user ID, password and PIN for your records. You need a password to access your account, and your PIN when submitting an application/redetermination. This provides you an additional level of security when using LA CAFÉ.


Step 3: Security Check


Type the letters and numbers you see on the page into the text box as a security check. The CAPTCHA application is case-sensitive, so ensure that you enter upper-case and lower-case letters exactly as they appear on the page.

If you have problems reading the letters and numbers, click the Try another link for a new set of letters and/or numbers.

If you have problems reading the letters and numbers because of impaired vision, click the Vision impaired link to have the letters and numbers read to you. Your computer’s audio must be enabled for the audio to function properly.


Step 4: User Acceptance Agreement


The last step in creating your secure account is to read and agree to Louisiana's User Acceptance Agreement. This agreement tells you more about the ways in which we will keep your personal information private and secure.

Check the box next to the text in Step 4 in order to agree to Louisiana’s User Acceptance Agreement. This must be completed in order to create an account.


Click the Print button to print the page for your records. A printer must be connected to the computer you are using for the print option to work.

Once all of the mandatory information is entered, click the Create Account button to proceed with the account creation process.