Household Summary

Summary-Your Household


On this screen, review the information given about the people in your home. Change, add, or remove any of the information you have entered.


Head of Household


This section displays the Name, Gender, Race, Date of Birth (DOB), SSN, and Driver’s License / State ID (DL/State ID) of the head of household. The Action column displays the action that can be taken, such as Change.


Click Change Head of Household to navigate to the Change Head of Household screen.


Other Household Members


This section displays the Name, Gender, Race, Date of Birth (DOB), SSN, and Driver’s License / State ID (DL/State ID) for each member of the household.

The Action column displays the action that can be taken, such as Change or Remove.


Click Add Household Member to return to the Household Member Information screen and add an additional household member.

Income Information


Does anyone in your household have income?: This field is mandatory. Select Yes or No from the drop-down list. Selecting Yes will navigate you to the Income Information screen to enter income details.


Click Previous to return to the Household Member Information screen.

Click Save & Exit to save your place in the registration and return to the home screen.

Click Next to continue.