Child Care Details

This page is displayed because you told us that this person pays for someone's care.


If someone in your household does not pay for child care, click the Previous button to navigate back to the Other Bills Survey page to correct the information entered.


Some items have an asterisk (*) next to them, indicating they are mandatory. You must fill in these items before you can continue to the next page.


Payment Information


When entering Amount paid, only enter two decimal places. Special characters, such as commas, are not allowed.


Provider Information


Address should only contain letters, numbers and ‘-‘, ‘#’, and ‘/’. City should only contain letters. Zip Code should contain only numbers.


Help With Paying


If you answer Yes to the question “Does anyone help pay for this bill?” more fields will display. Answer each question.


If you need do add another Child Care Expense bill, select Yes. If no, select No.


Click the Print button to print this page for your reference.


Click the Next button to save and continue with the online Redetermination/Change Report.


Click the Save & Exit button to exit the online Redetermination/Change Report and save your progress on your Redetermination/Change Report. The Redetermination/Change Report is saved as Incomplete.