Change Type Selection

This page allows you to select what type of changes you want to report. Before starting a change report, read what is required to have from the lists on the page.


What Would You Like to do in this Change Report?


Select Yes or No if you would like to close the case or report changes.


You Would Like to Request Closure of Your Case(s)


This field displays if you select Yes to the question “Request closure of your case(s).” Select the programs you would like to end.


Why Are You Requesting Closure of Your Case?


This field displays if you select Yes to the question “Request closure of your case(s).” Select a reason from the dropdown  menu.


Closing Your Case


Select either Yes or No to the question “Would you like to close your case?” . If Yes, select from the cases displayed which one you want to close.


You Would Like to Report a Change


Select the appropriate boxes next to the information that you would like to report a change.


Click the “Click here to open and print the form for your provider to complete” link to gain access to the CCAP 7A and 7B forms.


Click the Print button to print this page for your reference.


Click the Next button to save and continue with the online change report.


Click the Previous button to view the previous page.