Housing Bills Summary

This page provides a summary of the answers provided in the Housing and Utility Bills section of the Redetermination/Change Report/Simplified Report/LaCAP Re-Enrollment.


Review the information and confirm it is correct. If you see a mistake in the information you provided, click the Change link to return to the appropriate page and change the information.


To remove a household bill from a category, click on the Erase link to remove that bill.


If you did not previously identify a housing bill in one of the categories, click Add to return to the category page and add a new housing bill.


Select Yes or No for each question.


Click the Print button to print this page for your reference.


Click the Next button to save and continue with the online Redetermination/Change Report/Simplified Report/LaCAP Re-Enrollment.


Click the Previous button to view the previous page.


Click the Save & Exit button to exit the online Redetermination/Change Report/Simplified Report/LaCAP Re-Enrollment and save your progress on your Redetermination/Change Report/Simplified


Report/LaCAP Re-Enrollment. The Redetermination/Change Report/Simplified Report/LaCAP Re-Enrollment is saved as Incomplete.


For Redeterminations and LaCAP Re-Enrollment Only


To undo changes you made, click on the Erase Changes link. If a bill is no longer applicable, click the End link.


For Redeterminations Only


Select the checkbox next to members in your household who rents a room or pays someone for meals. If this is not applicable to your household, click the checkbox next to No One.